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Connection flow

A dApp must connect with the wallet before communication between dApps and wallet can begin. A dApp can only have one connection at a time.


import { connect, ConnectResponse } from '@puzzlehq/sdk-core';
import { useState } from 'react';
export const ConnectPage = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>();
const onClick = async () => {
try {
const connection: ConnectResponse = await connect({
dAppInfo: {
name: "<YOUR DAPP NAME>",
description: "<YOUR DAPP DESCRIPTION>",
iconUrl: "<YOUR DAPP ICON URL>",
permissions: {
programIds: {
[Network.AleoMainnet]: ['dapp_1.aleo', 'dapp_2.aleo', 'dapp_2_imports.aleo']
[Network.AleoTestnet]: ['dapp_3.aleo', 'dapp_3_imports_1.aleo', 'dapp_3_imports_2.aleo']
} catch (e) {
setError((e as Error).message);
} finally {
return (
onClick={ onClick }
disabled={ loading }
connect to puzzle
{ error && <p>error connecting: {error}</p> }


type ConnectRequestParams = {
dAppInfo: {
name?: string;
description?: string;
iconUrl?: string;
permissions: {
programIds: ProgramIdPermissions;
type Connection = ConnectRequestParams & {
dAppInfo: {
hostname: string;
expiry: Date;
type ConnectionWithAccountInfo = Connection & {
address: string;
network: Network;
balances: Balance[];
type ConnectRequest = {
method: 'connect';
params: ConnectRequestParams;
type ConnectResponse = {
connection: ConnectionWithAccountInfo;